Goss Avenue, Waddesdon, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP18 0LY
Telephone: 01296 658 585
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We provide a full general practice service and offer patients specialist advice and support in the following areas.
Our patients have access to midwives at the practice with regular Antenatal Clinics held every Tuesday. Patients are asked to self-refer to the hospital of their choice and the midwives will then arrange their booking in appointment, to take place between 8-10 weeks of pregnancy.
Patients wishing to self refer to the Midwife should visit this page.
We follow the National Immunisation Guidelines and Nurse lead Baby Immunisation appointments are held at each of our sites. You can find information on all the vaccinations currently or recently offered on the NHS Immunisations site. This includes information about the ages that vaccines should be given, and the diseases they protect against.
If you do not wish your child to receive a particular immunisation we require a specific signed request from the mother. Please remember to bring your red book with you as it might not be possible to immunise your child without it.
The following services are not offered in community locations nearer to home:
Patients needing a referral to any of these services should book an appointment with a GP to discuss this.
If you wish to see the counsellor please speak to your Doctor who will refer you. We can refer you to a qualified counsellor who can help you with advice and counselling on a wide range of problems that families and individuals experience at different times.
Many things affect your health and wellbeing. GP’s tell us that a lot of people visit them feeling isolated or lonely. Or they might be stressed out by money, work and housing problems. Sometimes it’s the stress of managing different long-term conditions. That’s where social prescribing will come in. Our GPs can refer you to our Social Prescriber who can listen and help put you in touch with the right people or activities that might help you to feel better.
All our patients with diabetes are encouraged to attend our surgery for annual diabetic reviews. Diabetic clinics are held regularly at all our sites. We have a specialist Practice Nurse who can provide advice and support for patients with this condition.
A number of our doctors are able to administer joint injections if deemed appropriate treatment. We ask that you book an appointment with your a GP to discuss this first.
We offer a range of Sexual Health Services, including:
Please book an appointment with a GP to discuss any concerns you may have.
We ask that patients please book your travel consultation AT LEAST eight weeks before departure to allow sufficient time for vaccination and protection to develop.
If we are busy or unable to offer you an appointment within the time frame you require our receptionists will direct you to alternative service providers who may charge a fee.