Goss Avenue, Waddesdon, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP18 0LY
Telephone: 01296 658 585
PPG (Patient Participation Group) Patient Transport Staff Training Technical problems with our phone system. Prescription Requests Coil & Implant Clinics Did Not Arrive Appointments Bloods Appointment Update Grendon Post Office Prescriptions How to recycle inhalers
The right hand slip on your prescriptions shows the authorised repeats available. Please tick and initial each item you require. You can post or deliver the slip to your surgery. If you are ordering using your Repeat Prescription Request slip please ONLY tick the medicines you need. Please put a line through the items that you do not need. If you do not have your repeat slip available, the dispensary can provide you with a copy.
For reasons of confidentiality we are unable to take repeat prescription requests over the telephone and request patients either send in their repeat slip or come to the surgery and place your request in the prescription box. All requests for medication or repeat prescriptions require at least 4 working days notice.
Please note that we ask for at least 5 working days to process repeat prescriptions before a bank holiday.
Online ordering is also available. Please use: NHS Portal, NHS App or Patient Access to find out more abut ordering medication online and how to do this.
You are able to request repeats a set number of times before your Doctor needs to review your records. If your last prescription showed that you have reached the limit on your medication cycle (i.e. 6/6) this means your prescription has EXPIRED and you have collected the final issue. In this instance:
– You may be required to have a test,
– You may be asked to see your Doctor, or
– If none of the above are required we will automatically submit a request for your GP to reauthorise a new prescription ready for you to order next month.
If you’ve arranged to collect your medication or prescription from a pharmacy, please ensure you allow sufficient time for processing.
If you wish your prescription to be posted please provide a stamped self -addressed envelope.
At Waddesdon Surgery we are committed to providing high quality care to all our patients. One of those aims is to provide cost effective prescribing and reduce waste.
To comply with guidelines the practice operates a 28 day prescribing policy. This may mean 28 days for most drugs or 63 days for contraception and HRT.
A dispensing service is offered to all patients.
We offer weekly delivery to the post offices in Quainton and Grendon underwood.
For further information on this service please contact the Surgery.
We require at least 3 workings days to process repeat prescriptions and at least 4 working days’ notice, before a bank holiday. Please also check with your Pharmacy as different waiting times may apply.
Prescriptions ordered after 6pm cannot be dealt with until the next working day.
Prescriptions or medications will last for one month as per Department Of Health guidelines and repeat prescriptions will need to be ordered.
Extensive exemption and remissions arrangements protect those likely to have difficult in paying charges (NHS prescription and dental charges, optical and hospital travel costs).
The NHS prescription charge is a flat-rate amount which successive Governments have thought it reasonable to charge for those who can afford to pay for their medicines. From 1st May 2024, the NHS charge for a single prescription item will be £9.90.
Prescription prepayment certificates (PPCs) offer real savings for people who need extensive medication. If you are on 2 monthly medications or more it is more cost effective to purchase a PPC and the charges of these are:
To apply for a pre-payment certificate online visit https://services.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/buy-prescription-prepayment-certificate or contact 0300 330 1341. Details also available on our website www.waddesdonsurgery.nhs.uk.
Telephone advice and order line 0845 850 0030
General Public – Buy or Renew a PPC On-line
There is further information about prescription exemptions and fees on the NHS website